One Point Office Automation.

We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading System Integrators and Automates with vast technical experience and growing cliental base. We thank our customers for giving us an opportunity to prove our skills which benefited us to grow our client base. We as a team believe to sale technology rather than the box. We are bind towards our customers to keep their business on going with percentage uptime of there IT infrastructure. Our client base includes multiple Industrial units, Corporate Offices, multinational Companies manufactures & distributors.

  • We sell out technology and not the box.
  • We establish own brand of technology Services.
  • We achieve customer user level satisfaction with service and support.

We guarantee to meet your Key Performance Metrics and Service Levels. Strong values – integrity, professionalism and transparency across the entire organization. Scalable technology and infrastructure for growth in our clients’ business. Strong Emphasis on delivering value for Time.

Our Team

Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.



Prashant R. Naik

Managing Director

Vaishali S. Gavhankar

Managing Director


Swapnil Gavhankar

Marketing Director

          Human Resources       

Minal P. Naik

HR Manager

            Support Team            

1) Nitin Bhandare

Senior System Executive

2) Tejas Kale         

System Administrator

3) Monu Yadav      

Linux Administrator

          Web Designing            

Hrushikesh Konde

Web Designer and App Devloper
